Not recording service for four consecutive years

If you're registered in the scheme, but haven't recorded any service credits for four consecutive years, your registration may be cancelled or suspended.

Before this occurs, in each case the worker will be notified by LSC of action being taken to cancel or suspend their registration. Workers in this situation have 42 days from notification to appeal their cancellation to the independent Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Committee (Industry Committee).

If you have less than five (5) years recorded service, and no service has been recorded for the last four years, your registration will be cancelled. This means you lose all your entitlements in the scheme.

If you have five (5) years or more recorded service, your registration may be suspended. This means that your recorded service will be retained and you are able to claim a long service payment or continue to record service if you resume eligible work in the building and construction industry.

Any worker who may be in this position should check that their record is up to date by calling us on 13 14 41.

They should also check whether they may be eligible for non-service days due to certain personal circumstances, special service credits for certain work and training situations or whether they are entitled to claim a long service payment.

Cancellation means that at the conclusion of the set appeal period the worker's registration will be terminated and there is no right to any accumulated service in the worker's record. Workers who have less than five years recorded service cannot be suspended and will be cancelled.

Suspension means that the worker will still be able to make a claim for long service payment on their accumulated service in their record, however LSC will no longer mail any notifications of any kind to them. Only workers who have five (5) or more years of accumulated service in the scheme will have their record suspended. A suspended registration will be reactivated if the worker resumes eligible work in the building and construction industry, but service cannot be recorded for the period the registration was suspended.

Registered workers who are not working in the building and construction industry any longer or who have not worked in the building and construction industry for some time should check to see if they are eligible to make a claim for a long service payment.

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